
Become a member/Renewal

Strength in numbers!


On July 26, 2023, the FQSA changed its membership types. From now on, members will choose between the $50/year "Large Salmon" membership and the $10/year "Grilse" membership. In both cases, membership renewal will be automatic on expiry. You won't have to fill out this form once you've subscribed! You can cancel this automatic renewal once you've logged in via the "Members" tab. To learn more about both subscriptions, click here.

If you don't live in Canada, see the international members page.

  1. Fill out the fields below.
  2. You will be redirected to the secure credit card payment step (Visa or Mastercard only).
  3. You will receive your subscription confirmation/invoice by email.

Registration/Renewal form

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.