Chaloupe River
The 46-kilometre-long Rivière de la Chaloupe flows towards the southeast coast of Anticosti Island without receiving any tributaries. Modest in appearance, it contains, along with the rivière aux Saumons, 20% of Anticosti's potential adult salmon habitat. With around 13% of the population, it is the second most important river for Atlantic salmon fishing on the island.
The riverbed is made up of small limestone pebbles with an abundance of fossils. Like Anticosti's other rivers, its flow fluctuates widely. When rainfall is scarce, hundreds of salmon wait at the river's mouth before beginning their run. A memorable sight to be admired along with the seaside horizon, frequented by geese and sea ducks.
All along its course, the river is punctuated by 28 remarkably transparent pools. The average salmon caught here weighs between 4 and 6 kilos. Two outfitters share the rights to the Rivière de la Chaloupe, where speckled trout are also caught. One of them, Safari Anticosti, operates up to 13 pools spread over some 20 kilometers.