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Downloadable maps of Quebec’s salmon rivers


Avenza maps allow you to geolocate yourself on salmon rivers, even without a cellular network, directly from your cell phone! To take advantage of them, simply download them beforehand from the application. Once downloaded, these maps will provide you with a wide range of valuable information, such as pools, fishing areas, available services, and much more. Produced by the FQSA, these maps are completely free of charge and will help you discover salmon rivers to maximize your fishing experience!


Download the Avenza maps

1. Download the Avenza Maps app (free) in App Store or Google Play.



2. Open the app and authorize the "Avenza Maps" application to use your location data when the app is active. (This function will geolocate you only when you are using the application).

3. Click on "I'm new" to create an account with your e-mail address and choose a password. If you already have an account, please login.


4. Select the "Store" button on the application home screen (represented by a small grocery basket).

5. Enter "SaumonQc" in the search function (represented by a magnifying glass) to access the salmon river maps produced by the FQSA.

6. Download the map corresponding to the desired river from the results displayed (free of charge).

7. The maps will be accessible via the "My maps" button once the download is complete. They are now ready for offline use.


Map without geolocation (low resolution)

These PDF maps, designed for quick consultation, offer lower resolution, but allow you to view various information, such as river fishing areas. However, they do not allow geolocation, unlike those downloaded from the Avenza Map application.